Del 2 al 23 de noviembre Juan Manuel Patricio estará presentándose en las ciudades de Santiago y Valparaíso en Chile.
02/11 Tres Oídos – Santiago, Chile.
10/11 Patio Interior – Santiago, Chile.
13/11 Caja Panamericana de Improvisación (CPI) – Santiago, Chile.
22/11 Libreria Concreto Azul – Valparaiso, Chile.
23/11 La Limoneta – Valparaiso, Chile.
Recordamos en que en el mes de septiembre publicamos “Excerpts” que consta de tramos breves e intrincados, de timbre sintético y plástico que ocultan al instrumento, cimentándose en la repetición y variación de glitchs intencionales que se puede escuchar en nuestra página de forma libre.
Una vez finalizada la gira hara una última presentación en zona Oeste del Conurbano, mas precisamente en Kaleidorama Arte Contemporaneo en Castelar el 2 de diciembre.
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What about people who aren’t trying to keep up with anyone else? I can’t stand a messy house. It actually causes anxiety and stress. I can’t relax when my house is a mess. It infuriates me when I clean the kitchen and 5 minutes later someone has made something to eat, left the mess in the kitchen, dirty dishes in the sink and walked away. Why is it my job to clean it? Sorry I know I sound angry, and I am. This is a big issue for me and no one seems to care. What do I do? I used this same system when I had small kids and my husband did shift work. I just always had trouble making sure I did chores each day of the week, but having Kitchen Day, followed by Floors Day, then Bathrooms Day, etc. regardless of the day of the week just worked for me. As long as I did one thing on my Kitchen List I would move on to the Floors List the next day. But if nothing got done, I would repeat the same Kitchen List the next day.Of course, if I had been on Kitchen Day for a whole week and still not gotten anything done, I knew I was probably being lazy! Servicing the Northeast Region This is the 10% discount for all first time customers FIRSTCLEAN is the promo code. Some cleaning services offer maids on demand. This is a good option for a one-time cleaning. For example, if you have something come up at the last minute, ready-to-hire maids are a good solution for a quick cleaning. These maids do not typically work on building long term relationships the way other professional cleaning services do. Hiring a part time housekeeper or regular house cleaning is a spectacular way to maintain your home while saving time and energy. However, it can be hard to know just how much to pay your maid or housekeeping staff. Further, different house cleaning services might cost different amounts. You might not know where to ask “how much does a maid cost” – so we’ve done some analysis to let you know what you can expect to pay a house cleaner.
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As for the coca leaf tea, “it’s got a nice stimulating effect. It’s kind of like coffee, but less jittery and a little more euphoric,” said Larsen. He noted that coca leaf has a much milder effect than cocaine—but in the eyes of the law, “me selling coca to the people is legally equivalent to selling cocaine.” DONATE вЃ вЃ Liquid psilocybin is another way of taking magic mushrooms. It’s made by extracting psilocybin, the naturally occurring psychedelic drug found in mushrooms like liberty caps, and is a clearish pale brown colour. It comes in vials (small bottles). Dried fungi are one option for those who want to cook magic mushrooms – a rising trend in the era of increased psilocybin microdosing. (Getty Images) Psilocybin is a Schedule I drug. That means the federal government thinks it has a high risk of abuse with no “accepted” medical benefit. It is 100 percent illegal across the country, and possessing it is a felony offense. (Marijuana is also Schedule 1, as are drugs including heroin, ecstasy, and quaaludes.) Psilocybin content varies based on such factors as species and preparation. The most commonly used mushroom is Psilocybe cubensis, which contains 10–12 mg of psilocybin per gram of dried mushrooms; effective oral doses range from 6 to 20 mg and about 40 µg kg is considered the threshold level for intoxication.257 Drug section officers and the Clandestine Lab Enforcement and Response Team (CLEAR) seized 11 kilograms of dried mushrooms and 18 kilograms of wet mushrooms from the property. Based on the growing body of research, companies are popping up to support the medical advancement of the Psychedelics and their related chemical compounds in various ways, including: (a) setting up clinics for guided psychedelic treatment sessions; (b) refining the scope and effect of certain molecules through drug design; and (c) exploring treatments for a number of health issues including addiction, depression, anxiety, cluster headaches, and other chronic conditions.
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Attention Developers and Builders! This is a corner level lot with proposed plan to build 4-story building with commercial area, residential lobby, and parking garage on the ground level and 3 story housing above of the ground with 21 condo units. Prime location, located in the popular outer mission district. close to Balboa Bart station, Daly City Bart Station, and EZ access to freeway. The adjacent vacant land is also for sale, with city approved plan and permit to build commercial and 3 residential units (MLS#: 422635234). Texas Real Estate Commission Consumer Protection Notice Texas Real Estate Commission Information About Brokerage Services The U.S. Treasury Department sells items forfeited for violations of Treasury laws, including failure to pay income taxes. welcome,`+sign_user_data.firstName+` If you’ve spent any time in the city of Atlanta, you’ve most likely spotted some of the beautiful luxury properties scattered throughout the Metro Area. However, the view from outside the gated entry doesn’t do many of these architectural masterpieces any justice. To fully appreciate their beauty, you’ve got to go inside. Unfortunately, unless you’re a multi-millionaire who can afford an ultra-luxury estate (don’t forget about property taxes and upkeep), you’ll just have to settle for interior photos or an occasional video tour. It’s all about floor-to-ceiling windows, sliding doors, and skylights For many homebuyers, getting into the luxury market means lots of upgrades in all the bells and whistles that go into a home. For others, it’s acreage or that home gym. Whatever your idea of luxury, please contact us to see the local market in expensive housing. If you’re worried you’re not quite there yet, consider this. In Silicon Valley, a second bathroom is regarded as a huge luxury–so it is in the eye of the beholder.
Jesus CedeГ±o is a certified doctor turned cryptocurrency expert, writer, and investor who lives in New York City. JesГєs specializes in cryptocurrency product reviews, tutorials & technical analysis. Follow him on LinkedIn to stay up to date on his latest work on blockchain, decentralization and crypto investments. Low token prices attract some investors, as they’re often seen to have high growth potential. However, the market capitalization of a cryptocurrency is more important than the price per coin. Read more to learn about the best altcoins under $1 and how to invest in them today. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is pressuring global equities, pumping up oil prices, stoking inflation, and scrambling plans by the Federal Reserve to raise interest rates. Through it all, Bitcoin appears to be sailing through the storm. There is a category on CoinGecko that lists down the top metaverse coins by Market Cap. At the moment of this writing, the total metaverse capitalization dropped 3% in the last 24 hours. Launched in April 2021, Trias Token is a highly underrated Metaverse ecosystem. Trias stands for Trustworthy and Reliable Intelligent Autonomous Systems. Its ecosystem features a collaborating dashboard, a smart contract execution system, and a development framework built for crypto enthusiasts and developers. None of the rumors has been confirmed, and crypto speculation often flames out spectacularly, along with the previously pumped token prices. “As we will use the collected funds to pay for the Metaverse development, the team has decided to use a neutral coin that can be sold into stable coins to pay for all the sources. Using our Ecosystem Tokens is a risk, as we would need to dump our own token’s price after cashing them! And that’s far away from our plans,” read the blog post.
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If you are one of those people who is required to do an internship in the last few years of… 2. Choose the colours that go well with your skin tone- Purples, greens, and blues do work on most Indian skin tones perfectly. An occasional green or yellow does work too. Top K-pop girl band Girls’ Generation are making a comeback to mark the 15th anniversary of their debut in August, their agency SM Entertainment said on Tuesday (17 May). The NYX Cosmetic Vivid Bright liners have a built-in wand that’s incredibly sharp and come in a good range of extremely bright and fun colors that don’t budge all at an affordable price. These powerfully-pigmented eyeliner pencils are available in matte and metallic-finished shades that deliver 36 hours of waterproof, smudge-proof, and fade-proof color. Before you decide which liner is right for you, be sure of the difference between each type of the best eyeliners out there. Choose between liquid, gel, pencil or felt top liners, with felt liners emerging as a standout option for those just beginning on their eyeliner journey. Alternatively, liquid liner is trickier to master but creates that distinctive flick that you’re likely aiming for. Spring has arrived, and for those who live for the warmer months, what better way to celebrate surviving yet another gloomy winter season than by trying new hair color trends? Warm weather and sunny afternoons are a great time to get your hair off your neck and let the balmy breeze hit your shoulders. That calls for the ultimate in easy spring hairstyles—braids. Go for a low, loose braid hairstyle that leaves a few strands hanging around your face for a soft look. For something a little more romantic, try the modern milkmaid braid look. Start with a middle part and then French braid each section. Twist them together at the nape of your neck for a fashionable braid updo. Thinking about going lighter for spring? This rich, chocolaty brown hair color is here to convince you otherwise. This hue is made extra pretty with slightly darker ends and plenty of shine. Psst: Hair glosses are a great way to maintain this color at home.
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Kometer M, Schmidt A, Bachmann R, Studerus E, Seifritz E, Vollenweider FX. Psilocybin biases facial recognition, goal-directed behavior, and mood state toward positive relative to negative emotions through different serotonergic subreceptors. Biol Psychiatry 2012;72(11):898-906. View abstract. Your sterile procedure and attention to detail from a few weeks back when preparing mycelium cakes and cultures (or using a ready-to-go kit) have resulted in a flush of your favourite fungus. In addition to sampling the spoils of your hard work and patience, you now need to find somewhere to store your shrooms. When the researchers followed up with the volunteers a year later, nearly two-thirds said the experience had been one of the most important in their lives; close to half continued to score higher on a personality test of openness than they had before taking the drug. No. It’s illegal to transport cannabis across the Canadian border. It doesn’t matter whether you’re leaving or entering Canada. It doesn’t matter what the laws of your destination are. It doesn’t even matter if you’re authorized to use cannabis for medical purposes. Or how much you have with you. The upshot: it’s against the law. Completing the CAPTCHA proves you are a human and gives you temporary access to the web property. The SociГ©tГ© quГ©bГ©coise du cannabis (SQDC) is the only legal entity to transport or sell cannabis at the retail level in Quebec. In contrast to the common age minimum of 19 in most provinces, in Quebec the age limit is 21 and home-growing is not permitted. Full text of the study, “Youth cannabis use and legalization in Canada – Reconsidering the fears, myths, and facts three years in,” appears in the Journal of the Canadian Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. Additional information is available from the NORML fact-sheet, вЂMarijuana regulation: Impact on Health, Safety, and Economy.’
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В 1GO Casino вы найдете уникальный классное обслуживание для всех любителей азарта. Мы предлагаем вам испытать лучших игр, где каждый найдет что-то для себя. В 1GO Casino собраны все популярные игры, включая рулетку, покер, блэкджек и слоты. Однако, многие игроки выбирают нас именно из-завысококачественные игровые предложения. По мнению наших клиентов, около 80% игроков утверждают, что участие в турнирах помогают значительно увеличить шансы на выигрыш. Любая игра в нашем казино – это возможность повысить свои ставки и получить удовольствие от игры –
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До начала игры, убедитесь, что вы ознакомились с правилами казино.
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Diagnostico de equipos
Aparatos de equilibrado: esencial para el desempeño fluido y óptimo de las máquinas.
En el entorno de la innovación contemporánea, donde la rendimiento y la confiabilidad del sistema son de máxima relevancia, los dispositivos de equilibrado juegan un función fundamental. Estos aparatos específicos están diseñados para calibrar y asegurar piezas dinámicas, ya sea en dispositivos de fábrica, transportes de traslado o incluso en aparatos domésticos.
Para los expertos en conservación de sistemas y los especialistas, utilizar con aparatos de calibración es esencial para asegurar el funcionamiento estable y estable de cualquier aparato rotativo. Gracias a estas opciones avanzadas avanzadas, es posible disminuir sustancialmente las oscilaciones, el ruido y la tensión sobre los cojinetes, prolongando la longevidad de elementos valiosos.
Asimismo significativo es el función que cumplen los dispositivos de balanceo en la atención al cliente. El soporte técnico y el soporte constante usando estos equipos posibilitan ofrecer asistencias de gran nivel, incrementando la bienestar de los clientes.
Para los dueños de empresas, la aporte en estaciones de balanceo y dispositivos puede ser esencial para aumentar la efectividad y rendimiento de sus equipos. Esto es principalmente trascendental para los emprendedores que gestionan reducidas y intermedias empresas, donde cada elemento vale.
Además, los sistemas de equilibrado tienen una gran uso en el campo de la protección y el gestión de calidad. Habilitan detectar posibles problemas, evitando reparaciones caras y averías a los equipos. También, los información obtenidos de estos sistemas pueden usarse para maximizar procedimientos y mejorar la reconocimiento en buscadores de consulta.
Las zonas de utilización de los equipos de balanceo incluyen diversas industrias, desde la fabricación de transporte personal hasta el control ecológico. No interesa si se considera de importantes fabricaciones productivas o modestos establecimientos hogareños, los sistemas de equilibrado son indispensables para proteger un desempeño efectivo y sin interrupciones.
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В Dragon Money Казино вы погружаетесь в мир захватывающих игр, который подарит вам незабываемые эмоции и невероятные возможности для победы. Мы предлагаем самые популярные и прибыльные игры, включая популярные игры, которые принесут вам удачу.
В Dragon Money Казино вас ждут регулярные турниры и акции, которые дают шанс на значительный выигрыш. Бонусы и привилегии для игроков помогает каждому пользователю максимизировать свою выгоду. Начните прямо сейчас, чтобы погрузиться в мир азарта –
Когда лучше всего начать играть в Dragon Money Казино? Ответ прост!
Что делает нас уникальными:
Быстрая и удобная регистрация в Dragon Money Казино дает вам возможность сразу погрузиться в мир азартных игр.
Почти для всех наших клиентов предусмотрены специальные предложения и привилегии, чтобы удовлетворить любые потребности.
Наши игры работают на всех устройствах, так что вы всегда можете быть в игре, независимо от местоположения.
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Гизбо Казино ждет вас с открытыми дверями, предлагая великолепным игровым возможностям. В нашем каталоге вы найдете только популярные развлечения, среди которых слоты, блэкджек, рулетку и видеопокер. Кроме того, каждый игрок имеет возможность присоединиться к специальных акциях, которые дают дополнительные возможности для выигрыша и наслаждаться игрой. Участие в турнирах – это способ получить максимального успеха и выгоды от любимого увлечения.
Что делает Гизбо Казино таким популярным? Это место, где каждая игра – это шанс найти развлечение на любой вкус без ненужных усилий –
Когда лучше всего участвовать в наших турнирах? Любое время – это подходящее время!
Иногда игра в Гизбо Казино может быть еще более захватывающей:
Перед началом рекомендуем ознакомиться с нашими условиями обслуживания, чтобы получить больше шансов на успех.
Если у вас есть игровой опыт, попробуйте наши эксклюзивные предложения, чтобы сделать игру еще интереснее.
Если вы делали паузу в игре, рекомендуем начинать с демо-режима, чтобы войти в ритм.